When Is Law School Worth It?

An investment and commitment worthy of serious consideration, earning a law degree requires both time and financial investments – with substantial debt repayment periods that can span over years of study.
Before determining whether law school is worth your while, it is essential that you assess your motivations and expectations carefully. Your goal should be fueled by something more substantial than money or prestige alone.
Many young people are persuaded by their baby boomer parents to attend law school because they believe lawyers make big bucks. Unfortunately, an average starting salary for lawyers does not provide sufficient income to repay law school debt and cover basic living expenses.
Before enrolling in law school, prospective students should carefully consider the total costs involved – tuition, living expenses and any additional fees – in addition to considering how much time will need to be devoted towards studying in addition to regular work and personal commitments.
Tuition may be the easiest expense to evaluate, but one should carefully examine all their other costs in relation to their financial situation before making a determination about attending college. If there are options for covering costs like loans or scholarships and income sources available to cover them all then perhaps attending may be worthwhile; but if there are significant monetary costs or significant time commitment involved then perhaps other career choices would be better suited.
Law school requires an enormous time investment from its students. Students spend hours every night, between classes, and on weekends reading and preparing for class – an overwhelming experience in its initial stages as new subjects may be unfamiliar and the grading curve can be unforgiving.
Staying motivated requires self-discipline and finding intrinsic motivators, rather than depending on external motivators like prestige or high salaries for motivation. A deeper sense of purpose may foster greater perseverance that makes this experience worth while in the end.
If you are considering applying to law school, it is wise to assess both your current financial standing and future career prospects prior to enrolling. In addition, alternative funding sources and public law schools within your state often have lower tuition fees; alternatively you could take time off before starting classes to save up for tuition and living costs.
Law school requires an enormous commitment of time and resources, so it’s crucial that you carefully consider why you want to enroll. Students often make the leap due to parental pressure or because they seek career change; though these motivations have their place, they alone won’t provide sufficient strength during those long nights spent studying or in class preparation.
If reading isn’t your forte, law study could be a difficult journey. Many materials require meticulous study before being digested into understanding them fully.
Law school can be quite different than undergraduate life, with greater professional development opportunities, academic debate, and networking possibilities. Though stressful at times, law school can also offer great personal and professional growth – its value will ultimately depend on both financial considerations and career outcomes.
Three years of law school are an expensive commitment, and not everyone is eligible to receive full scholarships. Working is one way students without financial aid packages can limit the debt accumulated as well as get a glimpse of what work might await them after graduating and develop networking and professional skills.
Students pursuing law should select employment options that do not conflict with classes or other activities, such as working in a legal office; it offers experience similar to clinics or externships while simultaneously providing income.
Kafafian hopes Flywheel will “alter the way people view careers, as well as what options there are for using training in positive ways”. He and Schrage aim to encourage more students to consider opportunities that don’t always pay well because these jobs can still have significant impacts on important policy issues.